Dr. Oz gave tips on affordable healthy foods in the
supermarket that help prevent or slow the growth of some cancers. He gave
examples of the types of foods and the chemical processes they perform to
prevent cancer cell growth. He added helpful advise on the best preparation
methods to retain most of the nutrients and the amount a person should eat each
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Doctors That Solve Medical Mysteries
Dr. Sanjay Gupta takes news
to the National Institute of Health (NIH) in Maryland, where a group of
world-class specialists have set up a program hoping to solve cases other
doctors could not. Getting thousands of mystery cases, they can only accept
about 300 patients. Their goal is not only to save patient’s lives, but to also
discover new illnesses and new cures. The treat each case like a crime scene:
gathering evidence, analyzing results, and finding the cause. Despite the low
success rate, NIH proves to be the last hope for patients who have been to the
best places and could not find a cure.
Do Allergies Actually Benefit Your Health
The rise of allergic people has caused scientist to study
the cause of allergic reactions. They hypothesize that allergies act to trigger
the immune system to get rid of toxins in the body. Outside sources initiate an
immune response to purge the harmful substances in the body. Scientist argue
that the reason people don’t have allergies is because their bodies are able to
detoxify on their own and don’t need allergies to defend the it. The research
in allergies may help to find cures in other illnesses.
Berries May Delay Memory Decline
Researchers may have found that eating berries helps delay
memory deteriorating diseases, like Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers
experimented on a focus group of women since 1980. The women gave researchers
information on how many berries they ate per week and their memory was tested
every two years. The researchers analyzed that more berry intake improves the
memory. They hypothesize that the mitochondria make toxic free radicals that
are detrimental to memory. Berries provide flavonoids that act as antioxidants
to stop the free radicals before they can damage memory cells. There are still
many factors to consider, but berries may prove to help maintaining healthy
memory cells.
Damaged Kidney Removed from One Recipient, Thrives in Another
Twenty-seven year old Ray Fearing, who suffers from
glomerulosclerosis disease (FSGS), received a donated kidney from sister.
However, a few days after the operation, Fearing’s new kidney was getting
damaged by the disease and causing worse symptoms. Doctors decided to take the
kidney out and asked Fearing if they could use it for another patient. Fearing
agreed knowing there are thousands of other patients waiting for organs just
like he was. He wanted to help other people, even if the kidney didn’t work
with him. The doctors were able to salvage the kidney and transplant it into
cardiovascular surgeon, Erwin Gomez. Doctors were unsure if the kidney would
still be good because of the scarring from the first transplant and the FSGS
damage. However, the kidney not only took to Gomez’s body, but also any FSGS
damage reversed itself, proving a rare miracle in the medical world.
Saturday, April 28, 2012
bad case of food poisoning
I always thought that food poisoning was just an inconvenient sickness. Apparently it can cause dramatic brain damage. All because of eating a KFC twister sandwich that was not properly prepared the side effects included severe cognitive, motor and speech impairment and spastic quadriplegia. The way that food is prepared should be carefully watched because the consequences can be much worse..
Steroids not effective against back pain
This article shows a previous treatment being disproved. For a while it was thought that injecting steroids into the back was an effective treatment against the pain, as opposed to pills. However after testing this method it w showed statistically that there is no difference from taking pills. Steroids can be used for a lot of medical issues, but this is apparently not one of them.
Cancer prevention
This articles takes a look at how maintaining a healthy diet and keeping in shape may be the best way to battle cancer once diagnosed. I feel like this is sort of a no brainer because doing both of these is good for you overall.
Kidney transplant
This is a bittersweet story about a patent waiting ten years until he could receive a donated kidney. After the operation it would not function properly in his body and he had it immediately removed. Instead of throwing it away he offered to give up the kidney to another patent on the list in which it worked.
Baby heads
Apparently as a result of trying to make babies sleep more there has been an increased number of babies with abnormally shaped heads. This is because When they spend more time sleeping on their backs the babies skull is not fully molded yet and it can shift. This shows how there are studies for just about anythig, especially where cause and effect is concerned.

Liver Cancer
This is an interesting article regarding liver cancer. My group in class has the opportunity to do our project on this organ but did not have enough room to add all the interesting things we would have liked. This article talks about the new research in Japan on liver cancer. They have research that supports that green tea fights against blood and liver cancer. This break threw could be huge as liver cancer is the most common type of cancer in under developed countries. Hope you enjoy.
Friday, April 27, 2012
Geneticists Identify Genes Linked to Pygmies' Small Stature
A recent study of West African pygmies has revealed a little more knowledge about the somewhat unknown details of the small-statured people of Africa. It has been a mystery why the pygmy people are so much shorter(averaging 4'11") than their close relatives in the area. The research outlined in this articles reveals that the several genes that decide how tall a person is can be radically different across the world. Initially thought to be a way of adapting to the unforgiving climate and surrounding terrain, the article gives evidence to suggest it is simply the way their genes work.
Mechanism That Could Contribute to Problems in Alzheimer's Identified
Alzheimer's disease has been an issue biologists and doctors have been studying for quite some time trying to figure out why it occurs. The reason is still somewhat unclear, but this article highlights some of the recent developements in understanding the disease. It explains that researches have recently found evidence that suggests a certain protein deficiency in the brain has been linked to the disease. This knowledge brings us slightly closer to a possible cure for the horrible disease.
Learning Mechanism of the Adult Brain Revealed
The article explains breifly how the brain developes and stabalizes as we grow older. It explains that younger brains are better at learning new things because they are more easily altered, while older brains are more solid. The artcile goes on to explain a discovery that revealed that an older brain is still capable of "pruning" certain pathways, giving hope to cure mental illnesses even in adults.
Red meat consumption linked to increased risk of total, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality
A study from Harvard School of Public Health, researchers
have found links between red meat consumption and various death-causing
complications. Components of red meat
that cause this include heme iron, saturated fat, sodium, nitrates, and
carcinogens from cooking. “One daily
serving of unprocessed red meat was associated with a 13% increased risk of
mortality”, the study states. Other,
more healthy, meat options include various types of poultry and fish.
Detecting breast cancer’s fingerprint in a droplet of blood
For many years multiple proteins have been measured in the
blood. A new study looked at healthy and
breast cancer patients and analyzed 32 proteins in the blood, finding a subset
of 6 that establish a fingerprint for breast cancer. There is still much work to be done, but they
are hopeful that one day there may be a blood test for breast cancer that comes
from this study!
New Stem Cell Found in the Brain
Researchers at Lund University have discovered a new stem
cell in the brain that can form many new brain cells. It is hoped that with these new stems cells,
they will be able to use them to treat brain injuries; the plastic properties
suggest great potential in these stem cells though the function is still unclear. As with any other stem cell research, it is
surrounded with much debate and uncertainty.
Just a Few Cell Clones can Make Heart Muscle
Scientists at Duke University Medical Center used zebrafish
and a color-imaging technology to track heart cells. They found that a very small number of
cardiomyocytes (heart muscle cells) in young animals lead to the thousands of
cardiomyocytes that form the heart. This
will hopefully help doctors as they try to clone appropriate cells and make
transplant hearts.
Intense light prevents, treats heart attacks
Interesting story – is it possible to prevent a heart attack
with sunlight? This study out of
University of Colorado suggests that the circadian rhythm, or the bodies clock,
is linked with dark and light. According
to the article, “The study showed that the Period 2 protein is vital for that
change in fuel…therefore could make heart metabolism more efficient …strong
daylight activated Period 2 in animals and minimized damage from a heart
attack.” Cool!
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