Tuesday, December 20, 2011

If you want to die, I'll help you

If you're a true evolutionist, I can't see how you can't agree with the study of Eugenics. I quote, "Eugenics was the pseudoscientific belief that human populations deteriorated over time unless care was taken to weed out weak specimens and keep them from procreating. " Oops, you're mom just got sick, should I do her or would you like to? The basis of evolution is procreation and seeding another population, Eugenics is the antitheis to that, you weed out the weak and sick, and procreate. The way I see it is this, being an existentialist, what are we procreating for? Does it really matter if our species survives or not? This article was fascinating because it showed how the golden law of science can be misleading and even damaging. I call into question what science basis' it's foundation upon, that is, empiricism.


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