Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Mediterranean Diet Gives Longer Life

What is a Mediterranean diet? It is a diet eating high amount of fish and vegetables and low amount of animal-based products such as meat and milk. The research was conducted in Sweden. The researchers from the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg studied the life expectancy of the old people who live in the region nearby Gothenburg. The research compared the 70-year-olds people who ate a Mediterranean diet with those did not. The result found that the elders who were on a Mediterranean diet were more likely to live longer by 20%. In other words, they have higher chance living 23years longer than those who did not. This research is supported by other researches that were conducted in Demanrk, northern Sweden, and even on children. Gianluca Tognon who is a scientist at the Sahlgrenska Academy said, “The conclusion we can draw from these studies is that there is no doubt that a Mediterranean diet is linked to better health, not only for the elderly but also for youngsters.”

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