Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Wine and Chocolate? Think again

We have all been accustomed to hearing “Drinking wine moderately is good for your health”. In her article “Raising the Chance of Some Cancers With Two Drinks a Day”, Melinda Beck states that there are strong correlations between “moderate” alcohol consumption and various types of cancer. People who haven’t smoked in their life could develop lung cancer just by drinking couple drinks a day. Although only 3.5% of cancer related death comes from alcohol, 90% of the deceased would be alive today if they didn’t drink more than two drinks per day. Beck admits that the study followed people who were regular drinkers, but there is a strong correlation between the number of alcohol consumed and cancer risk. The harm the author argues is that people have the misconception that drinking moderate amount alcohol, like wine, is good for your heart. The problem occurs when people assume that more of a substance is good for their health. Drinking 1-2 glasses of wine might be good for your heart, but, according to data, any more than the suggested amount equates to cancer.  

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