Sunday, November 13, 2011

Australia found a rare new species of albino trapdoor spider

According to the U.S. National Geographic reported that Australia discovered a new species of various bleaching trapdoor spider, so scientists were shocked. This spider head is white, because the body still has some pigment, so the newly discovered spiders are not true albinos.
Trapdoor spider reason to get this name because they use the soil, vegetation and silk construction Portal, the role of wire act as hinges. Prey in the past perceived the vibration, these arachnids’ drilled holes will enjoy the meal. Their diet includes insects, arthropods, and small invertebrates. Harvey said the spider in the cave mating, the males may have female spider's body will be raised in order to come into contact with their genitals. Female genitalia in the spider's abdomen, the lower side.

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