Monday, October 31, 2011

Brazil mane wolf into the world's first stem cell treatment of wild animals

A she-wolf hit by a truck after the coma, was life-threatening, send it to Brazil's National Zoo examination revealed fractures of her than there are in addition to a variety of injuries. It is near the fracture site in veterinary stem cell implantation, a few hours later revived it a miracle. A few days later it no longer needs pain medication, 8, even after their burrow to escape, and three weeks after it is fully recovered. There are many other animals had also received stem cell treatment, but usually just to test stem cell therapy efficacy and safety in order to finally apply to humans. The success of this treatment is that the Brazilian wolf, by the role of human stem cells can alleviate the suffering of animals.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Atrial Fibrillation Medtronic Heart Device

Medtronic developed a heart device that used extreme heat to correct irregular beats of the heart. However, recent studies have found that the risks that come along with this treatment for atrial fibrillation may outrank its benefits. The food and drug administration has done research on this catheter-like device developed by Medtronic and, despite the massive investments put into this device, it may not work as well as wished.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


In this game, Pandemic2, you have one goal: reach the highest level of virulence possible. You can start off with either a living pathogen (parasite or bacteria) or go with a non-living pathogen (virus) to start planning the massive destruction of society. Throughout the game you will get points that you can increase your modes of transmission to make transmissability easier.  You can also increase your resistance to various factors, like water, heat, or antibiotics, while adding to the symptoms and lethality of the pathogen. Warning: this game is pretty addicting. See if you can find the best combination of symptoms, resistance, and modes of trasmission to infect everyone in the world!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Early onset of Type 2 diabetes heightens risk

This article highlights how early onset Type 2 diabetes caused by weight gain, poor nutrition, or lack of exercise causes a five fold higher frequency of end-stage kidney disease compared to those who did not have diabetes in youth.  The article also talked about a study on overweight Latinos being tested by doing weight lifting, as an option to get kids in shape and lower risk of Type 2 diabetes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Yoga and Stretching Help Chronic Back Pain, Study Show

In the Archives of Internal Medicine they did a study on 90 participants who were active in yoga to 90 participants who were not. The study showed that people who stretch and do yoga on a regular basis have less problems with chronic lower back pain. It shows that stretching and yoga show improvement and benefits in stretching the muscles.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Progressive Evolution

Richard Dawkins believes and studies progressive evolution -- the idea that all organisms evolve and change infinitely.  He believes that one day dogs will be as smart as we are now.  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles could be real one day!

Because of global warming, animals and plants became more and more smaller than before

Big frog specimen is 80 century to collect. Small frog specimen is collected in 2008.

 You may not know, whether it is on the table carp, crayfish, corn, mustard, or for the well-known polar bear, squirrels, frogs, flies and other animals, and their size are smaller. Food chain from plants to top predators, are the effects of climate change become smaller, and most species is due to rising temperatures and reduced body type.
It is said that the global average temperature increase per 1 ℃, plant size may be reduced 3% -17%, while the proportion of animal body shrink 6% -22%.

The researchers used human brain neurons writing ink

These paintings look like a tree, but these "tree" is not a real plant, but neurons that form the human brain cells.
picture 1 :Shows the cells in the retina
picture 2 :Show that the human hippocampus in the cells, the hippocampus is responsible for memory and navigation of the important brain regions.
 picture 3 :Shows the place near the cerebral cortex, cerebral cortex is a layer of tissue, it is considered in terms of human perception plays a vital role. 

Because of obseity, the risk of hypertension girls are bigger than boys

Compared with the obese boys, obese girls is much greater risk of suffering from high blood pressure. This will allow them to adulthood stroke and greatly increases the risk of heart disease. According to the survey 1,700 aged 13 to 17 years, measuring their blood pressure, height and weight to calculate their body mass index (BMI). These young people were recorded under the systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure is systolic blood on the side wall of the pressure vessel, then the maximum blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Between two heartbeats on the vessel wall of the blood pressure is called diastolic blood pressure, also known as low pressure.After measurement, the researchers according to BMI of these young people were divided into normal weight, overweight and obese, according to blood pressure again divided them into normal, low blood pressure and hypertension.By comparison, the researchers found, BMI and systolic blood pressure are closely related. The higher the BMI, the greater the chance of high systolic blood pressure, heart disease and stroke, which means that the higher the risk.
More dangerous 

The researchers found that obese boys the risk of high systolic blood pressure is 3.5 times the normal weight boys, obese girl of high systolic blood pressure likely to 9 times normal-weight girls.

Develop good eating and exercise habits not only allows us to have a slim figure, more importantly, healthy life

Harness Viruses to Make Dazzling Colours Without Dye

Vibrant reds, blues, greens and yellows have been made without any dye or paint. Instead the colours arise from an intricate pattern of virus particles that reflects only certain wavelengths of light.
The patterns work in a similar way to those that produce startling colours on the faces and bills of some monkeys and birds. Now that these patterns can be made to order in the lab, they could form the basis of bleach-resistant clothing.

The blue bills of ruddy ducks, the blue faces and rumps of mandrills, and the blue scrotum of vervet monkeys all get their colour from the protein collagen. Unlike pigments, whose colours arise because the molecules selectively absorb certain wavelengths of visible light, collagen has no inherent colour – it makes up the transparent lenses of human eyes, for example.

Tasting words: A Study of One of the Rarest Forms of Synesthesia

Synesthesia, as a concept, was not always believed to be an actual phenomenon, although plenty of people reported colors associated with music or words, or processed colors as sounds. But even those who believed that wires might be crossed in the brain didn't think the phenomenon could be studied.

One of the earliest checks for a common kind of synesthesia developed from a test for color blindness. Show them a red number on a green background and, as long as the background and the number are equally dark, they won't be able to see the number while anyone else can see it as plain as day. Doctors reversed this test to check for one of the most common types of synesthesia — seeing different characters as different colors.

A densely cross-hatched group of lines were put on a card. On top of these lines were drawn numbers or letters. Both the lines and the numerals or letters were the same color and thickness, and control test subjects just saw dark lines interlocking. Some of them eventually picked out the letter. The synesthesiacs saw the characters right away, as easily as most people would see a green number on a red grid. Another popular test shows jumbled 2s and 5s. The ordinary viewer can't pick them out, but they show up to people who associate the different numbers with colors.

 While most types of synesthesia are poetic — like hearing a symphony when seeing a painting, or associating a concert with a beautiful light show — this is more of an inconvenience. People with lexical-gustatory synesthesia taste many different types of words.

Often these people repeat their reports of tastes, years after their initial interview and tests. One woman had a list of words she couldn't stand because of the terrible tastes associated with them - Cincinnati, number, portable, squirm, and phony. Another test showed that synesthesia might go even deeper than words. When lexical-gustatory people were shown images, they sometimes got taste sensations even when they couldn't identify what the image was. (A phonograph made one woman taste Dutch chocolate. The taste was repeated when the scientists called her months later.)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The National Brain Damage League

Epidemic of Head Injuries in Football. 

This article discusses how most injuries in football, especially concussions, go unnoticed because the player doesn't always have noticeable side-effects from their 'head slam'. "There are about 1 million high-school football players in any given year in the United States. There are some 67,000 reported concussions, and probably about as many that go unreported because fans, coaches, and parents don't want a star athlete pulled from a game" according to Eric Nauman, a researcher at Perdue. This is interesting and it raises the question as to what has more value: "My son is the star football player!" or "My son is intelligent and healthy!"...should we do something about this? Can we convince parents, athletic directors, trainers and coaches? 

Friday, October 21, 2011

U.S. Army Finds Simple Blood Test To Identify Mild Brain Injury

The United States Army says that it has discovered a way to use simple blood tests to indicate whether or not a person has suffered from a mild brain injury, such as a concussion. This discovery will help young athletes, infants with "shaken baby syndrome", and those serving in combat to learn about this hard-to-detect injury and prevent further injury.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Court Rules Against Stem Cell Patents

In the ongoing debate about the ethics of stem cell research, the BBC reports that the European Court of Justice has just weighed in. It ruled that scientists could not file for patents on stem cell technology, making it illegal to make a profit on discoveries that harvest stem cells from embryos. In keeping with the divisive history of this debate, the European Court's ruling has been controversial.